Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey
У сабжа будет поддержка Linux.
У сабжа будет поддержка Linux.
Release notes и changelog: http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/AMDCatalyst131ProprietaryLinuxGraphicsDriverReleaseNotes.aspx
Ссылка на скачивание: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx (следующая бета в ближайшие недели).
Инструкции по установке здесь, багрепорты слать по этим адресам.
Для Ъ всё уже написано в названии темы. Детали и видео по ссылке.
From a reliable source at the company, I have been told at least one of their very popular titles will see a release for Ubuntu Linux this calendar year. I was told this in person and was a statement backed up by additional proof. With their first Linux port they will use it to judge the waters of Linux gaming themselves to decide their future course. This port is being done internally by their own developers, which isn't a huge surprise given their past public statements and already existing internal Linux client work.
В дополнение к техподдержке, форме отправки отзывов и багтрекеру, AMD запустили форум для приёма багрепортов от пользователей Steam для Linux. Форум расположился на портале AMD Developer Central, который, в отличии от форума поддержки Catalyst для Windows, читают разработчики драйвера.
Теперь его могут установить не только участники бета-теста. Workaround для бага с генерацией шейдеров, проблема со Steam Overlay на Mesa, другие известные баги.
With Milestone One of openSUSE 12.3, things start getting interesting. For starters, the init system continues to evolve rapidly. Sysvinit has now been removed, following some discussion. Given complete dominion over the boot procedure and device management, systemd has swallowed udev and udisks whole, and the result is systemd v195, up from v44! This offers the following features:
- Completely migrated to /usr
- Improved journal data and queries
- Additional conditions for unit files (the systemd equivalent of /etc/init.d/ scripts under sysvinit)
- /media temporary mount points are now under /run/user/
- Suspend, hibernate and the laptop lid switch are now handled by systemd
Вопросы инженера nVidia, ответы Эйрли. DMA-BUF пока доступен только GPL-драйверам, и будет ли так всегда - зависит от Texas Instruments и Linaro.
Так же, как поддержка XrandR 1.2, поддержка Optimus будет ещё одной фичей, которую nVidia реализовали на годы позже AMD. В любом случае хорошо, что они проснулись хотя бы сейчас.
Using a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 graphics card with an Intel Core i7 3930K processor, Windows 7 SP1 was running Left 4 Dead 2 with the Direct3D renderer at 270 FPS while under Linux with OpenGL they are now at 315 FPS! Using the OpenGL renderer on Windows isn't also quite as good with its average frame-rate at around 303 FPS.
Фороникс, блог Valve.
И сразу пояснение для людей с вопросом «а зачем им нужно больше, чем 270 FPS?» Затем, чтобы на карточках слабее GTX 680, игра в Linux крутилась быстрее, чем в Windows.
Кто не в курсе, речь о практически официальном форуме поддержки Linux-блоба nVidia, на который захаживали разработчики драйвера. MikeC - его администратор, и сотрудник техподдержки nVidia.
В общем, Задорнову понравилось бы:
This strange MikeC behaviour was because of me.
Here is what happened:
Someone started a new topic about Linus middle finger shown to Nvidia with link to youtube video showing this. MikeC posted below response that all discussion about bad and unacceptable Linus behaviour is forbidden on this forum and locked the topic. The problem with MikeC was that he focused on Linus finger and bashing at him but didn't say a word about why Linus had shown the finger. I understand MikeC behaviour because he is American and people there focuses on «wow Linus has shown a finger to Nvidia» where European people usually would ask why Linus has shown the finger. What was his motivation to make such unusual for him gesture? I made a new topic saying this is censorship and tried to explain what was Linus feelings about Nvidia. (I live in Eastern Europe/former soviet block so maybe I'm too sensitive when freedom of speech is limited.). I also told that there is more people who would like to show finger to Nvidia and have good reason to do that (then described usb 1.1 freezing on geforce 8200 chipset - Nvidia reproduced and confirmed this bug but never provided patch to fix it - this is fixable because Solaris/FreeBSD/Windows does not have this bug). People wrote in comments that I'm whining and Nvidia makes great GPUs completely ignoring the fact that I was talking about mainboard chipset and usb problem in it. MikeC locked the topic so I could not explain that I do not have problems with GPUs but chipset and Nvidia should be ashamed not fixing it. Try to use PC without usb these days.
MikeC created statement and made it sticky that:
- he would like to kick Linus and my (@zbiggy nvnews nick) ass because of what we have done,
- nobody accused him and his family so badly like me,
- he would close Linux forum on nvnews because of me if it wouldn't be his only way of earning money for him and his family,
- he asked forum ISP to close and send him Nvidia Linux forum content.
Nvidia Linux forum then became read only. He made my post about censorship sticky. Later Nvidia Linux forum was not available.
Then it was restored. I wrote pm to MikeC with apology I told him I understand that in US there is no censorship but private property and understand that forum owner has right to block posts he do not like and decide what will (not) be discussed. I asked him to make my topic about censorship not sticky to let it fall down in forum history out of users view. I removed my name and other personal details from my profile. Tried to delete all my post but could not. I visited nvnews daily since 2003 and made many posts. Now this is over. I will never go back there. nvnews will be better without me. It is sad that people focused on Linus and his finger but not the reason of showing it. It is sad that Nvidia became victim when actually was source of all this evil.
Изменений по сравнению с legacy beta нет (только добавили валидную signature) советы относительно High@L5.1 и KWin direct rendering так же должны быть применимы.
http://www.l4d.com/coldstream/ - промотайте до второй половины страницы.
Last week my team and I spent some time in Bellvue working with Valve's Linux team on their port of Left 4 Dead 2.
It was the most successful work trip I've ever had. The guys at Valve were amazing to work with. They are sharp, driven, and have an aggressive plan. Looking at how far they've come and the short amount of time in which they've done it, I have every confidence that they're going to kick their plan right in the butt. It's going to be a good time to be a Linux gamer.
We had three main goals going in:
- Help them tune their game for our driver / hardware.
- Find out where our performance is lacking.
- Find out what OpenGL features they need / want.
I think we scored on every point. We helped them find some performance bugs in their vertex buffer management (which also affected other GPUs / drivers) and some places where the accidentally triggered shader recompiles. This gave some healthy performance improvements.
We also found some areas where our driver really, really needs to improve. They have a couple shaders that devolve into register spilling nightmares. There are also a few places where we eat way, way too much CPU. A lot of these problems mirror issues that we've seen with other game engines (e.g., Unigine).
These have been a lot easier to diagnose on L4D2 because we have access to their source code. Being able to take a profile that shows times in the driver and in the application makes a world of difference. Being able to tweak little things in the app (what happens if I do this...) is also helpful for diagnosing performance problems. Eric has already started landing patches for L4D2 performance, and there will be many more over the coming weeks.
The funny thing is Valve guys say the same thing about drivers. There were a couple times where we felt like they were trying to convince us that open source drivers are a good idea. We had to remind them that they were preaching to the choir. :) Their problem with closed drivers (on all platforms) is that it's such a blackbox that they have to play guess-and-check games. There's no way for them to know how changing a particular setting will affect the performance. If performance gets worse, they have no way to know why. If they can see where time is going in the driver, they can make much more educated guesses.
We also got some really good feedback about features. The biggest feature they want is better output from GL_ARB_debug_output. They really want to know when they do things that fall off performance paths, trigger shader recompiles, etc. We hacked out some initial versions of this, and it was a big help. Some patches in that area should hit the mailing list soon.
They're also interested in what they call «smart vsync.» Swaps that are scheduled soon enough will have vsync, and the application will be vsync limited. Swaps that are scheduled too late happen immediately. In their words, «Tearing is bad, but dropping to 30fps is worse.» On GLX, we can expose this with GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear.
Our mission is to strengthen the gaming scene on Linux, both for players and developers. This includes Linux ports of Steam and Valve games, as well as partner games. We are also investigating open source initiatives that could benefit the community and game developers.
Не забываем интенсивно голосовать за поддержку Linux на GOG.
И вот он лично это подтверждает (по ссылке Flash).
Удивительно, но догадки Майкла о E3 оказались верны хотя бы частично.
Вышел Catalyst 12.6. То, чего владельцы нетбуков и неттов ждали джва года - включение экспериментальной поддержки AVC-профиля High@L5.1:
sudo amdconfig --set-pcs-u32=MCIL,HWUVD_H264Level51Support,1
sudo amdconfig --set-pcs-u32=DDX,ShadowPrimary,1
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