Всё что имеет начало, имеет и конец: Кон Коливас покидает разработку патчей для ядра
Собственно все устают, особенно если работать приходится без поддержки и признания, практически 10 лет человек вкладывался в разработку ядра, и еще 10 лет в поддержку созданных им патчей.
Время и возможности для усилий не бесконечны, особенно учитывая то, что пользовались его патчами достаточно немногие.
Con wrote on his blog, «I'm once again left wondering if I should be bothering with maintaining this patch-set, as I've mentioned before on this blog. The size of my user-base seems to be diminishing with time, and I'm getting further and further out of touch with what's happening in the linux kernel space at all, with countless other things to preoccupy me in my spare time.»
He further added, «There is always the possibility that mainline linux kernel will be so bad that I'll be forced to create a new kernel of my own out of disgust, which is how I got here in the first place, but that looks very unlikely. Many of you would have anticipated this coming after my last motivation blog-post, but unless I can find the motivation to work on it again, or something comes up that gives me a meaningful reason to work on it, I will have to sadly declare 5.12-ck the last of the MuQSS and -ck patches.»
C Фороникса: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Con-Kolivas-EOL-MuQSS-CK