Сообщения aidan


Выборы нового лидера проекта Debian

Смогут ли лоровские аналитики угадать победителя?

1. Mehdi Dogguy [] [nomination mail] [platform]

Чем, кстати, закончилось желание прошлого запилить PPA for Debian?



Через неделю откроют Toonz

Digital Video and Dwango agreed to close the deal under the condition Dwango will publish and develop an Open Source platform based on Toonz (OpenToonz). Effective Saturday March 26, the TOONZ Studio Ghibli Version will be made available to the animation community as a free download.

OpenToonz will include features developed by Studio Ghibli (*Toonz Ghibli Edition) which has been a long time Toonz user. Through OpenToonz, Dwango will create a platform that will aim to have research labs and the animated film industry actively cooperating with each other.

With this agreement in place, Digital Video will move to the open source business model, offering to the industry commissioning, installation & configuration, training, support and customization services while allowing the animators’ community to use a state of the art technology at no cost.

Digital Video will also continue to develop and market a Toonz Premium version at a very competitive price for those companies willing to invest in the customization of Toonz for their projects. A comprehensive list of the new services available can be found at

Microsoft® Windows® XP, Vista® or Windows 7; Mac OS® X 10.5 or later

Но в старых версиях Линукс таки был.

Использовалось для создания:



Ещё один десктопный плеер для Google Play Music

С логичным названием Google Play Music Desktop Player. Написан на Ноде, как вы любите.

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Лиса станет толще

Firefox users should anticipate an increase in memory use when Firefox's multi-process architecture is enabled by Mozilla. The increase varies based on use, but it will be between 10% to 20% on average.

Overall we see a 10-20% increase in memory usage for the 1 content process case (which is what we plan on shipping initially). This seems like a fair tradeoff for potential security and performance benefits, but as we try to grow the number of content processes we’ll need to take another look at where that memory is being used.



Кровь, кишки, Debian Live

Половина DD говорит, что он был золотым человеком, тянувшим кучу пакетов и live build, вторая половина — что он есть неприятный тип, мешавший править баги и обновлять пакеты, ломающий syslinux во время кодфриза и задерживающий релиз, рассоривший апстрим LXC с Дебианом. Кто прав?



GOG. Осень. Распродажа.

350+ daily deals and bundles up to -90%. Free games to unlock. Fuzzy squirrel on the front page.

So welcome to the Big Fall Sale - 11 days of new daily deals every 12 hours, a new set of bundles every 24 hours and free games to unlock.

The floodgates swing open for launch with the first 24 hours of over 350 deals on classics, new releases, and even bundles - all up to 90% off. The first batch of bundles features: Bethesda titles up to 66% off (including The Elder Scrolls and Fallout classics) and the ultimate Interplay Collection at 90% off.

Всё как обычно. Разве что ещё Фаллаут и Морровинд появились. И пасхалка в белке на главной странице.



Заговор феминисток против Линуса

The short version is: if you are any kind of open-source leader or senior figure who is male, do not be alone with any female, ever, at a technical conference. Try to avoid even being alone, ever, because there is a chance that a “women in tech” advocacy group is going to try to collect your scalp.

Проверенные источники донесли до Эрика Реймонда, что бойцы из Ada Initiative планируют подставить Линуса или любого другого известного white male developer'а и обвинить в сексуальных домогательствах.

Впрочем, Торвальдс уже сделал упреждающий ход — постарел, женился и завёл детей.

do not be alone with any female, ever... ever... ever...

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Теперь можно уводить аккаунты с холодильника

«The internet-connected fridge is designed to display Gmail Calendar information on its display,» explained Ken Munro, a security researcher at Pen Test Partners. «It appears to work the same way that any device running a Gmail calendar does. A logged-in user/owner of the calendar makes updates and those changes are then seen on any device that a user can view the calendar on.»

«While SSL is in place, the fridge fails to validate the certificate. Hence, hackers who manage to access the network that the fridge is on (perhaps through a de-authentication and fake Wi-Fi access point attack) can Man-In-The-Middle the fridge calendar client and steal Google login credentials from their neighbours, for example.»



zkanji переписывают на qt

Basically what I’m trying to say is that if you want something to be in some way you can still get it while I’m working on the new zkanji. But it’ll be late to complain after the release.

И если вам есть, что сказать, то имеет смысл это сделать сейчас...

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Tox Foundation развалился

As many of you in the Tox community have likely already heard, a serious situation was brought to our attention which has forced the Tox development team to disassociate itself from the Tox Foundation, along with its sole board member, Sean Qureshi (aka Stqism, aka AlexStraunoff, aka NikolaiToryzin). We learned by Sean’s own admission that he “took a loan against the Tox Foundation”, and used the entirety of the foundation’s funds on personal expenses completely unrelated to the project. He did not inform anyone about his actions prior to taking them, then proceeded to disappear for weeks once we found out, ignoring our attempts to contact him and get an explanation.

The exact amount that he took is unknown due to his having complete control over our finances, but it is in the low-thousands. This fund regrettably included a small amount of donation money, but was primarily made up of money that we received by participating in Google Summer of Code last summer.

It has been under our attention over the last few months that stqism/NikolaiToryzin has used the Tox Foundation money to pay for his personal education expenses, and, as a result, hasn't been able to pay irungentoo's travel fee for GSoC, due to Google paying the reimbursement for the travel fees to the Tox Foundation, not the individuals.

Вот что значит стремление к знаниям и образованию.

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Reddit — не всё (вторая серия)

Reddit всё

И вновь мелкая группа юзеров, которая переоценивает свою важность, сотрясает воздух, играя в войнушку с администрацией. Не они первые, не они последние.

Ellen Pao resigned from reddit today by mutual agreement. I'm delighted to announce that Steve Huffman, founder and the original reddit CEO, is returning as CEO.



Нельзя открыть Неподтвержденные новости

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: java.lang.NullPointerException
К сожалению, произошла исключительная ситуация при генерации страницы.

Произошла непредвиденная ошибка. Администраторы получили об этом сигнал. 

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Спроси свой вопрос у главного дебианщика

Hi all, I'm Neil McGovern, the current Debian Project Leader. Feel free to ask me anything about Debian, general geekery, work, politics, or whatever.

inb4: пока ничего особо интересного не было.

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Не учитывать имя пользователя при поиске

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Хром такой Хром

After upgrading chromium to 43, I noticed that when it is running and immediately after the machine is on-line it silently starts downloading «Chrome Hotword Shared Module» extension, which contains a binary without source code. There seems no opt-out config.


Even worse, that extension:

- doesn't appear in the extension list;

- is apparently used to provide an “ok google” voice activation stuff.

Используй Хромиум, говорили они, тут нет зондов, говорили они.

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Desura, возможно, всё

Ъ: компания (Bad Juju), которая купила её в конце прошлого года, как бы обанкротилась.



MATE 1.10 почти вышел

## What's new in MATE 1.10

The headline changes in MATE 1.10 are:

  * Every component of MATE can now be built with GTK2 and GTK3.
    * GTK3 support is still considered *experimental*
    * Arch Linux and Fedora currently offer alternative GTK3 builds.
  * [GSoC 2014] Caja now has an extension manager so plugin can be enabled/disabled at run-time.
  * [GSoC 2014] Atril now supports [ePub](
  * [GSoC 2014] `libmatemixer`, an audio mixer library for MATE desktop, has been introduced.
    * Provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available
      in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems.
  * Static code analysis has resulted in many memory leaks being plugged.
  * Theme support has been expanded to GTK 3.8 to 3.16 including CSD and pop-over support.

// Вы не можете создавать новые теги — это какой-то... позор...



SourceForge скатился окончательно

Не ожидали, что может быть ещё хуже? gimp/posts/cxhB1PScFpe

It appears that +SourceForge took over the control of the 'GIMP for Windows' account and is now distributing an ads-enabled installer of GIMP. They also locked out original owner of the account, Jernej Simončič, who has been building the Windows versions of GIMP for our project for years.

So far they haven't replied to provide explanations. Therefore, we remind you again that GIMP only provides builds for WIndows via its official Downloads page.

Вот и LXDE собирается в дорогу:

Quick disclaimer: I've been pushing for us to move off this rotten platform for a while, both internally and very publicly. This is not the first time something like this happens and it will not be the last. I believe using services which have repeatedly abused their power is completely foolish and will result in bad things happening to the project itself eventually.

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Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

UCC: It is with regret that we write this email to discuss an issue that we feel is negatively impacting the Ubuntu Community. Over a long period of time Jonathan Riddell has become increasingly difficult to deal with. Jonathan raised valid issues and concerns, but reacted poorly when he received answers he did not agree with. As things progressed Jonathan made public statements impugning the integrity of the Community Council(CC)and twisting the words of others. He was also argumentative to the point we feel he violated the code of conduct. Out of respect for Jonathan’s contributions we allowed this situation to continue in the hopes it would self-correct, but that has not happened.

At this time we have sent an email to Jonathan requesting that he step aside from all positions of leadership in the Ubuntu Communityfor at least 12 months. This request will require him to step aside from leadership in Kubuntu as well. We apologize that this happens just after the election of the Kubuntu Council and are willing to assist in anyway to help with the transition.

Jonathan will be able to keep his upload and commit rights and is still allowed to participate as a member of the Ubuntu Community. He is allowed to request funds from the community donations program as an individual, but requests for funding of Kubuntu activities, such as sprints, should be requested by another Kubuntu leader. Likewise we would like for any concerns that Kubuntu would like to raise with the Community Council be brought to us by somebody other than Jonathan.

JR: I refuse your request to step down from the Kubuntu council because I disagree entirely with the accusations against me. I have never been agressive and claiming that I have is insulting and bullying. If you wish to pursue this request please send the CC meeting minute authorising it to the kubuntu-devel mailing list along with concrete examples of breaches of CoC and Leadership CoC.

Mark: The CC is entitled to choose who they will recognise as their counterparts and representatives in sub-communities like Kubuntu. It is untenable for us to ask people to volunteer to the CC, and then expect them to have to work with people who they do not feel are constructive leads; they therefore have the same ability to short-list candidates for leadership of sub-communities that I have for nominations to the CC and TB.

It is therefore not a question of whether or not you accept the CC request to step down. This is a statement from the CC that we no longer recognise you as the leader of the Kubuntu community. This decision has been rather painful, but is judged necessary. Whether or not you agree with the position, it is the final position of the CC.

You may not realise the extent to which your conduct has strayed outside the bounds of acceptable behaviour for a leader in Ubuntu. I would suggest you get the benefit of some distance from the project.

JR: Oh Mark, all I have ever done is the task you hired me to do a decade ago. I have created the most successful community team in Ubuntu and the most successful community project. I have never been agressive, never misrepresented anyone and I have never ever done anything that is not in the interests of the Ubuntu community. Two very basic but important questions were not being answered and I’m pleased they now have been to my current satisfaction but the CC members need to deal with why they couldn’t answer them years ago and need to ask themselves why they are wanting to destroy the community they are enrolled to help. I have never claimed to be a leader of anything.

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Gitlab открыл клиентский js для EE-версии под Expat license

I'm pleased to announce that Sytse and I were able to agree on a license change (with absolutely no friction or hesitation on his part) that liberates all JavaScript served to the client from GitLab EE instances.

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