Сообщения le_legioner


Что круче Chrome OS или Joli OS?

Форум — Talks

Дискас собственно...

Как по мне то Анжелика круче,но бл.. сложнее для юзверя.



CoolShip: компьютер-клавиатура на Android

Форум — Talks

Китайская компания FocusWill Information Technology разработала необычный Android-компьютер CoolShip в форм-факторе клавиатуры. Работа над проектом велась 2011 года. Поставки устройства начались в феврале.

Полноформатная QWERTY-клавиатура черно-белого цвета относится к островному типу. На ней клавиши расположены не вплотную, а на некотором расстоянии друг от друга (как на ноутбуках Apple MacBook). Всего у CoolShip 104 кнопки. Также компьютер имеет компактную сенсорную панель, расположенную в правой части, и динамики.

Под клавишами CoolShip находятся 2-ядерный ARM-процессор Rockchip RK3066 с тактовой частотой 1,5 ГГц и графикой Mali-400, а также гигабайт оперативной памяти типа DDR3. Объем внутреннего флеш-накопителя (NAND) — от 4 до 8 ГБ. В роли операционной системы выступает Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).

К внешнему монитору или телевизору CoolShip подключается через интерфейсы VGA (максимальное разрешение на выходе — 1080р) или HDMI. Позади клавиатуры установлены два порта USB 2.0, 3,5-миллиметровый аудиовход, слот для карт памяти SD, порт Ethernet LAN и модуль Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n).

Общий вес аппарата — 1,2 кг. В него также встроен литиевый аккумулятор на 300 мА*ч, который служит для защиты операционной системы в случае сбоя питания.

Пользователи могут профинансировать CoolShip на сайте Indiegogo. За модель с 4 ГБ памяти (без тачпада) китайцы просят 90 долларов. Доплатив еще 10 долларов, пользователи получат дополнительный USB-слот для подключения мышки и в два раза больше памяти.



Об изменениях схемы дистрибуции, поддержки и планах развития Red Hat в Восточной Европе, России и странах СНГ.

Форум — Talks



Смарт с qwerty

Форум — Talks

Господа, присоветуйте достойный гаджет. Вроде и выбор на базаре не велик, однако опыту нет в пользовании оными аппаратами. Требования: реальная клавиатура, локализация, желательно 2 сим (но не архиважно), ось - любая кроме оффтопа, 3G, wifi. А, чуть не забыл - фонарик! ;-)

Взял бы китайца, но клава только латинская, а из официоза - в основном с одной симкой. Но может я чего-то не знаю?

Кстати, стоит ли брать blackberry без сервисов?

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Fuduntu ищет помощников

Форум — Talks




Форум — Talks

Салам аллейкум!

Посоветуйте качественного китайца.

Необходимые условия:

1. Андроид

2. 2 симки

3. QWERTY-клавиатура

4. Можно noname - лишь бы качественный.

5. По-возможности с локализованной клавиатурой.

Нравится вот этот, но не знаю, как он по качеству:



VHD в облаке

Форум — Talks

Посоветуйте куда сохранить VM, чтобы VirtualBox работал оттуда. У Dropbox скорость не та, да и цена на 15Гб вылезет приятная.



Диктофоны - преобразование в текст

Форум — Talks

Не в курсе всех достижений в данном секторе. Есть ли диктофоны и софт для преобразования надиктованного в текст? Вчера видел адвоката в суде, который уж очень внятно выговаривал текст и знаки препинания озвучивал (точка, запятая, открыть кавычки). Подумал, что только для этого может понадобиться такая надиктовка.



А TOR уже не торт

Форум — Talks

Собственно в заголовке всё сказано...



Like a Virgin

Форум — Talks

Доброго всем времени суток!

Я конечно и сам гуглом пользоваться умею, но пока ничего внятного не нашёл. Кто подскажет сборку на базе Fedora или хауту хорошее - нужна система не сохраняющая локальных данных. Т.е. после перезагрузки, как новенькая чтобы была. Ни логов, ни истории - вообще ничего. Как LiveCD, но инсталлированная. На убунте есть Ubuntu Privacy Remix - ищу, что-то похожее.



Нужна помощь с WINE

Форум — General

Помогите установить в вайн программулину.

Ставлю, установка проходит, но при запуске - крэшится. Не могу разобраться в чём дело - выхлоп в кракозяблях.

Буду чертовски благодарен!

Перемещено JB из talks

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Fedora Joli OS

Форум — Talks

Есть ли подобие Joli OS, но на базе Fedora?



VirtualBox & кейлогер

Форум — Talks

Имеется оффтопик с виртуалбоксом и Линукс в нём. Вопрос чисто гипотетический - если в оффтопике появится кейлогер будет ли он снимать клавиатуру, работающую в виртальной машине Линуккс в full-screen?



RedSleeve Linux

Форум — Talks

About RedSleeve Linux

RedSleeve Linux is a 3rd party ARM port of a Linux distribution of a Prominent North American Enterprise Linux Vendor (PNAELV). They object to being referred to by name in the context of clones and ports of their distribution, but if you are aware of CentOS and Scientific Linux, you can probably guess what RedSleeve is based on.

RedSleeve is different from CentOS and Scientific Linux in that it isn’t a mere clone of the upstream distribution it is based on – it is a port to a new platform, since the upstream distribution does not include a version for ARM.

The reason RedSleeve was created is because ARM is making inroads into mainstream computing, and although Fedora has supported ARM for a while, it is a bleeding edge distribution that puts the emphasis on keeping up with the latest developments, rather than long term support and stability. This was not an acceptable solution for the people behind this project, so we set out to instead port a distribution that puts more emphasis on long term stability and support.

The initial RedSleeve release has been brought to you by Gordan Bobic and Donald Gullet. RedSleeve re-branding artwork is by Giles Meakin.



[вброс] Что будет с ЛОРом?

Форум — Talks

Как думаете, скатится ли ЛОР в УГ, если/когда Линукс станет безглючным?



[история узбека][ubuntu][gimp] Дожились

Форум — Talks

Тестовая версия ломает систему Ubuntu, но нормально запускается в оффтопике:

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[вещества] Японское обострение рекламной шизы

Форум — Talks



[clojure][cl][java] Размышления о новом...

Форум — Development

Clojure & Complexity

....Final thoughts

I've written a long article, but there are many more details left out (just adding code snippets, will make it twice as big). There's also a lot of good things about Clojure, which I didn't mention: its seamless integration with Java, for example, which makes it a good scripting language for Java applications. Macros, basic datastructures, vars, they all work great. Ring was also an enlightenment.

Yet, overall the language doesn't leave up to its promise of being a modern Lisp: actually, it's not a Lisp at all. Well, how do you define Lisp? S-expressions, macros, closures etc? Surely, all (at least most of) those features may be present, although Dylan was a Lisp without s-expressions, for example. But, in my opinion as a Lisp programmer, what makes a true Lisp is dynamicity, simplicity and putting control in developer's hands (flexibility and extensibility). The mentioned features are mostly a derivative of this principles, and also they all should have a backend for extension: reader, compiler, condition system, object system, special variables etc, they all do in Lisp. And Clojure gives up on all these principles if not altogether, than substantially: many of the features are there and the new ones arrived, but the backend is missing.

Common Lisp is well optimized for the common use-cases in the design space of dynamic flexible languages. And it's probably very close to local maximum in it. At least it's good enough. Clojure is more of a hybrid, and hybrids are built by complecting: in Clojure's case complecting Lisp and Java, Lisp and Haskell. The result is interesting, but, in my opinion, it's not optimal. Surely it has its use-cases.

Still, Clojure sees decent adoption (which is good, because it proves, that parens aren't a problem after all :) I think it's a combination of several things. The language still has a lot of good stuff from Lisp (as well as some good things from Haskell, although they don't match very well), and those who start using it are mostly Java and Ruby programmers, for whom it breaks the psychological barriers to using Lisp (we all know the FUD). The other thing is lack of a decent native (not like Jython or JRuby) dynamic language on the JVM. And finally, there's marketing, i.e. Clojure concurrency primitives. And the challenge for Clojure community is to produce a «killer» application, that will utilize them, or the hype will wane, and pretty soon...



[lisp][cl][clos] Интервью с Лисп-хакером Edi Weitz

Форум — Talks

Lisp Hackers: Edi Weitz

The first post of the series got some very good responses, so I'm continuing it with another very obvious candidate — Edi Weitz. His vast contributions to open source Lisp, made during the last decade, collectively known as Ediware, include the indispensable regex library CL-PPCRE, written on a bet in Hamburg café, and a whole stack of web-related libraries with the most widely used Lisp application server Hunchentoot and HTTP client Drakma. Together with Arthur Lemmens he also co-organizes European Common Lisp Meeting. And that's, surely, not all...

Tell us something interesting about yourself. Well, I'll leave it to someone else to tell you what's interesting about me. I'll rather tell you what I find interesting in addition to Common Lisp: I collect photo books and I'm doing a bit of photography myself. I like to listen to the music of Frank Zappa and to Jazz. I read a lot. I'm interested in mathematics, especially in set theory. What's your job? Tell us about your company. I'm a professor for mathematics and computer science at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg. I started this job in September 2011.

Before that, I was a freelance hacker for about 13 years. Do you use Lisp at work? If yes, how you've made it happen? If not, why? In my new job, I've been using CL in my math lectures a couple of times and will continue to do so.

In my old job, I've been using CL exclusively for the last six or seven years. As I was working freelance, this was kind of easy — I either had projects where the customer didn't care about the programming language that I used as long as I got the job done, or I was hired specifically for my CL skills. What brought you to Lisp? What holds you? I came to Lisp via Emacs Lisp in 1999 or so. What got me hooked was the wonderful book «Writing GNU Emacs Extensions» by Bob Glickstein. It opened my mind for the beauty of the Lisp language family — something I had missed the first time I had encountered Lisp (in university, a few years earlier). The two CL books by Paul Graham and Norvig's PAIP then paved the way for Common Lisp.

What holds me is that I haven't found a better programming language so far — and I don't expect to find one very soon. What's the most exciting use of Lisp you had? I don't know if «exciting» is the right word, but it makes me happy that so many people use «The Regex Coach» and like it. I stopped keeping track, but there must have been at least half a million downloads since 2003.

I'm also kind of proud that some of my open source libraries are used by various commercial and research projects around the world.

But probably the most awe-inspiring encounters I had with Lisp were the few occasions when I played around with Genera or watched someone else using it. I think this OS really was a work of art. What you dislike the most about Lisp? There's nothing I really dislike about Common Lisp. There are a few warts here and there, but so far I've found nothing that was serious enough to prevent me from being productive. Among software projects you've participated in what's your favorite? Working on the Windows port of Piano — an extremely impressive application which has been around for almost 20 years and has been used by almost every aircraft manufacturer in the world. Dimitri Simos, Piano's main author, has been the most enjoyable client I've worked with so far. Describe your workflow, give some productivity tips to fellow programmers. I usually just start up the LispWorks IDE and hack away. The best productivity tip I can give is to stick with one implementation and IDE and to invest a lot of time to really learn how to use it — including all the implementation-specific goodies like debuggers, inspectors, steppers, browsers, and so on. Ediware became hugely popular (by Lisp standards), and with this popularity came a lot of work and responsibility. You seem to have mostly handed over supporting it to Hans Hübner. What's up next for you in the land of programming and Lisp in particular? I'm planning to give a lecture about the use of AI techniques in games in the next year and I might use some Lisp there. I might also — as a sideline — resume my CL consulting work sooner or later. I don't expect to publish new open source code in the near future, though. If you had all the time in the world for a Lisp project, what would it be? When I was still working as a hacker, I always dreamt of finding someone to pay me for working on an open-source CLOS object store — written in pure Common Lisp, OS-independent, portable, not relying on third-party software, fast, reliable, thread-safe, well-documented, etc.



VirtualBox 4.1.10

Форум — Talks


Крэшится виртуальная машина при запуске SLED 11 SP2, думал - образ битый. Проверил сумму - всё соответствует.

Откатился на 4.1.8 - без проблем работает.


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