Это не делает DragonFly BSD нужнее.

+  Multithreading does not work. Possibly because of bug in mmap/munmap.
+  Hint: Comment out call to os_invalidate in perform_thread_post_mortem
+  and threads will work, but space will not be freed, of course.

ну теперь точно капец!

nanoolinux ★★★★


...в связи с введением поддержки какой-то реализации лиспа в dragonflybsd? Пациенту живительный бан, пожалуйста!

reprimand ★★★★★


Потеряйся, что бы тебя искали.



Это по прежнему твои влажные мечты

Aswed ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от anonymous

Что это за нёх

Недо-pypy, но фанбоям нравится.

и как он относится к линуксу?

Под винду хуже заводится..


За такие заголовки нужно банить по ДНК.

intelfx ★★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от naryl

Насчет sbcl не знаю, но вот picolisp на подходе

PicoLisp in hardware: Implementing the PicoLisp virtual machine in hardware

PicoLisps' simple yet efficient virtual machine is unusually suited for an implementation in hardware. This is because the machine format is based exclusively on cells, all of the same size. The interpreter loops over these cells. Currently the interpreter has been implemented in C and in 64 bit assembler, but not in hardware description languages such as VHDL or Verilog.

task: write a CPU in Verilog or VHDL capable of executing 32 bit or 64 bit cells, modeled after the existing C or assembler interpreters. Verify in simulator or on FPGA development board.

task: connect the CPU to a RAM and some kind of I/O. Demonstrate that the the CPU can load picolisp cells from external I/O (memory card, serial port, Ethernet or USB) and write out some result to an external I/O. (memory card, serial port, Ethernet, USB, LCD screen, monitor or other suitable output.)

task: Convert the ASCII parser to PicoLisp, so the FPGA board can load ASCII PicoLisp source code directly and not just binary cells. Now the I/O can be provided in the form of PicoLisp source instead of precompiled cells.

task: Implement a REPL or other interactive mechanism over serial port, Ethernet or some form of console, so code can dynamically updated.

task: If the FPGA has an Ethernet port, implement a web server which can get its code and data updated over the net.

rationale: Demonstrate how little chip area can translate to immensely fast execution of a high level and powerful language.


Demonstrate how a data driven CPU architecture can be programmed with a familiar paradigm. (Lisp.)

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