собственно, хотелки вполне совпадают с возможностями DpaToolkit или ClassBuilder. проблема в том, что AFAIU оба жестко Win32 only :( а хочется, чтобы и open sources и собиралось с каким-либо вменяемым толкитом a'la qt,gtk,fltk.
ps: java/tcltk/etc based не предлагать.
DpaToolkit is a tool to help in software development via design patterns.The design can be visualized via class diagrams and design
patterns can be incorporated into the design easily.
2 Features
* 2.1 Allow easy addition of new design patterns
* 2.2 Code Generation
* 2.3 Reverse Engineering
* 2.4 XML serialization
* 2.5 MetaInfo
* 2.6 Hover Sense
* 2.7 Image generation
или ClassBuilder, судя по описанию вообще песня:
ClassBuilder is freeware CASE tool targeted at the C++ developer, running on Win95/98/NT. It lets you create, manipulate and navigate classes, class relations, class members and class methods at a high level of abstraction trough a graphical user interface. Its rich feature list includes:
* Class and sequence diagram editing (UML), with automatic layout.
* Code generation to implement associations/aggregations, with navigation methods and iterators.
* Generation of Find methods on one to many associations/aggregations and Get/Set methods on members.
* Easy project tracking, shows progress of each node (Analysis, Design, Implementation, Test, Complete).
* Wizards to insert iteration loops and navigation paths into the code of methods.
* Code synchronisation with compile environment, changes made outside ClassBuilder are noticed and read back.
* When used together with MFC, code can be generated to serialise the data structure.
* Drag and drop support for: Adding a member to a class, adding arguments, changing the order of arguments, etc.
* Documentation generation in RTF and HTML, so the documentation is always in phase with the code.
* Changes made in the generated RTF documentation can be read back into ClassBuilder.
// wbr

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