350+ daily deals and bundles up to -90%. Free games to unlock. Fuzzy squirrel on the front page.
So welcome to the Big Fall Sale - 11 days of new daily deals every 12 hours, a new set of bundles every 24 hours and free games to unlock.
The floodgates swing open for launch with the first 24 hours of over 350 deals on classics, new releases, and even bundles - all up to 90% off. The first batch of bundles features: Bethesda titles up to 66% off (including The Elder Scrolls and Fallout classics) and the ultimate Interplay Collection at 90% off.
Всё как обычно. Разве что ещё Фаллаут и Морровинд появились. И пасхалка в белке на главной странице.