Дистрибутивы и платформы



Можна найти разные дистрибутивы и скомпилированые програмы для разных платформ (i586, x86_64 ***). Нужно выбирать тот, который соотвествует твоему процесору. Тепер вопрос - а какой процесор (Pentium1,2,3,4, Celeron, CeleronD, Semptron, Duron, Athlon XP, Athlon64, Intel x64) какой платформе соотвествует? Спасибо


Pentium и Celeron и Athlon<64 - x86=i386/486/586/686


Pentium Pro 586
Pentium 2 - 686

pentium(celeron) D - хрен знает разные есть
но почти все x86_64(x64/amd64/em64t)
Athlon 64 = туда же

Lockywolf ★★★

i386: Original Intel's i386 CPU.

i486: Intel's i486 CPU. (No scheduling is implemented for this chip.)

i586, pentium: Intel Pentium CPU with no MMX support.

pentium-mmx: Intel PentiumMMX CPU based on Pentium core with MMX instruction set support.

i686, pentiumpro: Intel PentiumPro CPU.

pentium2: Intel Pentium2 CPU based on PentiumPro core with MMX instruc tion set support.

pentium3, pentium3m: Intel Pentium3 CPU based on PentiumPro core with MMX and SSE instruction set support.

pentium-m: Low power version of Intel Pentium3 CPU with MMX, SSE and SSE2 instruction set support. Used by Centrino notebooks.

pentium4, pentium4m: Intel Pentium4 CPU with MMX, SSE and SSE2 instruction set support.

prescott: Improved version of Intel Pentium4 CPU with MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 instruction set support.

nocona: Improved version of Intel Pentium4 CPU with 64-bit extensions, MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 instruction set support.

k6: AMD K6 CPU with MMX instruction set support.

k6-2, k6-3: Improved versions of AMD K6 CPU with MMX and 3dNOW! instruction set support.

athlon, athlon-tbird: AMD Athlon CPU with MMX, 3dNOW!, enhanced 3dNOW! and SSE prefetch instructions support.

athlon-4, athlon-xp, athlon-mp: Improved AMD Athlon CPU with MMX, 3dNOW!, enhanced 3dNOW! and full SSE instruction set support.

k8, opteron, athlon64, athlon-fx: AMD K8 core based CPUs with x86-64 instruction set support. (This supersets MMX, SSE, SSE2, 3dNOW!, enhanced 3dNOW! and 64-bit instruction set extensions.)

winchip-c6: IDT Winchip C6 CPU, dealt in same way as i486 with additional MMX instruction set support.

winchip2: IDT Winchip2 CPU, dealt in same way as i486 with additional MMX and 3dNOW! instruction set support.

c3: Via C3 CPU with MMX and 3dNOW! instruction set support. (No scheduling is implemented for this chip.)

c3-2: Via C3-2 CPU with MMX and SSE instruction set support. (No scheduling is implemented for this chip.)

kmeaw ★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от kmeaw

Это, наверно, из GCC? В зависимости от ситуации может быть значительно меньше. Например, Дебианский i386 уже давно не i386, а x86, потому как много софта для настоящего i386 просто не имеет смысла собирать.

watashiwa_daredeska ★★★★
Ответ на: комментарий от Lockywolf

>Lockywolf (*) (11.04.2006 19:06:31)

Интеловские 64-разрядные процессоры - это ia64.

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