Хочу поставить драйвер для ATI HD4330 на ноутбуке, но при установке выскакивает окошко такого содержания:
One or more tools required for installation cannot be found on the system.
Install the required tools before installing the fglrx driver. Optionally, run the installer with --force option to install without the tools.
Forcing install will disable AMD hardware acceleration and may take your system unstable. Not recommended.
See /usr/share/ati/fgrlrx-install.log for more details.
Вот, собственно, содержимое лога:
Check if system has the tools required for installation.
fglrx installation requires that the system have kernel headers. /lib/modules/4.4.0-040400-generic/build/include/linux/version.h cannot be found on this system.
One or more tools required for installation cannot be found on the system. Install the required tools before installing the fglrx driver.
Optionally, run the installer with --force option to install without the tools.
Forcing install will disable AMD hardware acceleration and may make your system unstable. Not recommended.
Что это может быть?