Люди добрые помогите кто знает! Немогу установить linux на RAID-массив (PDC20276 - интегрированный контролер от Promise на матери) Есть дрова (под RH 7.3). readme.txt =============== To install the FastTrak Series Linux Driver into a NEW SYSTEM 1.) Start the RedHat Linux Installation with CD ROM booting. 2.) At the "Welcome to Red Hat Linux ..." installation screen, a prompt labeled "boot:" will appear at the bottom of the screen. 3.) If you are in "IDE issue", please press TAB key and append parameters(see Note 1 below). --- OR --- If you are NOT in "IDE issue", type "expert" (without quotations) at the "boot:" prompt, then press the enter key. 4.) At the "Devices" dialog box, insert the FastTrak Driver Disk in the floppy drive and then select "OK" or "Yes". If installing RedHat 7.1/7.2/7.3, please skip to Step 9. 5.) After reaching the "Devices" dialog box again, select "Add Device". 6.) When asked "what kind of device would you like to add?", select "SCSI", and then select "OK". 7.) Press the "P" key and scroll down to "Promise FastTrak Series ....", and then select "OK". 8.) The installation process will now display "Promise FastTrak Series Linux Driver" has been found. Select "Done". 9.) If you are in "IDE issue", when the Boot Loader Configuration menu is displayed, please type parameters (see NOTE 2 below) in the Kernel parameters field. --- OR --- If NOT in "IDE issue", ignore step 9 and proceed to step 10. 10.) Continue with the installation as normal. 11.) If installing RedHat 7.2 or Update Linux to RedHat 7.1/7.2/7.3. Press Ctrl-Alt-F2 when installation at the "Congratulations" menu. Other RedHat version please click "Exit" button to finish installation. 12.) Insert the FastTrak Driver Disk floppy, Issue commands to load FastTrak driver. # chroot /mnt/sysimage # mount /dev/fd0 /mnt # cd /mnt # sh setup-ft # cd / # umount /mnt # exit 13.) Choose your selection here, after FastTrak driver setup successful. Please Press Ctrl-Alt-F7 and click "Exit" button to finish installation. [NOTE] 1.) "expert ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=0x170,0x376,15 ide2=0 ide3=0 ide4=0 ide5=0 ide6=0 ide7=0 ide8=0 ide9=0" 2.) "ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=0x170,0x376,15 ide2=0 ide3=0 ide4=0 ide5=0 ide6=0 ide7=0 ide8=0 ide9=0"

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