Core requested the removal of the misc/jive port, on the grounds that it had no function other than to turn text into an offensively racist parody. This proved controversial, with many seeing this as a first step in bowdlerizing the entire ports tree. That is certainly not Core's intention. Core's aim here is to help secure the future of the FreeBSD project by making it welcoming to all contributors, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality or other improper bases for discrimintation. While misc/jive may once have been seen as harmless fun, today the implicit approval implied by having it in the ports tree sends a message at odds with the project's aims.
Для не умеющих в ангельский:
Из соображений политкорректности удалён порт misc/jive с реализацией фильтра для преобразования текста на английском языке в пародию на афроамериканский сленг;