
Ричард Столлман написал что именно он посоветовал Microsoft'у





Here are the suggestions I gave to Microsoft.

  • Help keep computers unlocked (no «secure boot» that restricts what systems we can run). Truly secure boot means YOU specify what system is allowed to run in your computer.
  • Help make peripherals safe — no back doors in their embedded software. This applies to keyboards, cameras, disks and memory sticks, since they contain computers and with preinstalled software that can be replaced through a universal back door. Crackers do that, installing malware into them, which becomes an advanced persistent threat. I can explain more if desired.
  • Publicly take back Microsoft's attacks on copyleft made in the 2000s. Ballmer called the GPL a «cancer». Allchin called it «un-American».
  • Encourage copylefting of application and library code, maybe even system and tool code.
  • Direct GitHub to promote correct and clear use of licenses and the best use of copyleft (GPL version 3-or-later).
  • Help fight against copyright on interfaces.
  • Help make the web usable with Javascript deactivated.
  • Implement an anonymous internet sales platform that doesn't require Javascript, using GNU Taler (
  • Publish the hardware interface of products such as Hololens so we can run them without any nonfree software. Even if our software is years behind, that will be better than not being able to use these devices at all.

And one other suggestion, which I made to a vice president but perhaps not in my talk.

  • Release the source code of Windows under the GNU GPL.

Ответ на: комментарий от HIS

Ну да. Кроме форм. И некоторых кнопок. И видео. И аудио. И картинок.

kirk_johnson ★☆
Последнее исправление: kirk_johnson (всего исправлений: 1)
Ответ на: комментарий от HIS

Любая штука на сайт, которая не просто ссылка, реализована через JS
Если что.

Представь себе: меню, сложная прокрутка содержимого - это реализуется голым HTML+CSS. Даже видосики можно показывать без JS на HTML5. Как бы сами сайты на JS отображаются содержимым, описываемым HTML и CSS.

byko3y ★★★★
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