Мне сегодня пришло письмо от Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) по поводу недавней петиции против формата M$ OOXML. Возможно, содержащаяся в нем информация окажется полезной.
From: Benjamin Henrion <bh@xxx.yyy>
To: slonoinquisitor@xxx.yyy
Date: Today 1:56:38 pm
Dear signatory of the <NO>OOXML petition,
Thank you for having signed the petition.
FFII has created a public discussion list for Russian speaking countries which are members of ISO, such as Azerbaijan, Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Feel free to join if you want to help:
We have learned recently that Microsoft has already bought the vote of Azerbaijan, and we assume that it is the case for other countries:
We need people to call their National Standardisation Body, as well as translating the technical comments in Russian, or their national language.
Best regards,
-- Benjamin Henrion