Вчера Марк проповедовал в #ubuntu-classroom.
В числе отжигов, которые я помню, был: http://boredandblogging.com/2009/04/28/lol/
Для Ъ:
17:24 jcastro [nixternal] jcastro: QUESTION: Do you think Kubuntu is a blue headed step child that every seems to think it is? If not, can you put the rumours to rest, with possibly a song or a lovely poem letting everyone know just how much you really love us over in the Kubuntu community?
17:24 sabdfl oh dea
17:24 sabdfl r
17:24 sabdfl this question makes me rather sad, because i don’t know what else i could do
17:25 sabdfl i worked out the other day that i personally spend more than $2m a year supporting Kubuntu and KDE
17:25 sabdfl and yet those communities think it’s cool to act unloved
17:25 sabdfl i think the Kubuntu community’s work is amazing, and they should be proud of it
17:25 sabdfl there’s no need to make out like it’s against the forces of corporate indifference
17:26 sabdfl when in fact I and many others bend a long way to make it possible
17:26 sabdfl that’s about enough on the subject
17:26 sabdfl next?

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