Dear Валдос Синус,
I found your blog in google and I decided to ask you to write a review for our software named Windows 7 TuneUpSuite 4.7.323. It supports Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP/2000/2003/Vista x32, Vista x64, Windows 7.
In exchange for a review I will present you with a full-time license for this product.
The length and language of review is up to you. The only limitation is time for creating a review. It should be completed within 3 days.
There is the link with full description of the product:
Windows 7 TuneUpSuite is your all-purpose tool for better PC maintenance and security. Plus, it protects your computer from system crashes, repairs and maintains your PC health, removes unneeded Internet clutter, regains valuable disk space, cleans your registry and tweak windows to perform better.
If you agree, please create a review and send me back your link to it and I will send you a license.
Alice Henderson
и мой ответ:
I can't create this review, because I use Linux, and I haven't Windows
on my computer.
If you have contact with developers of TuneUp Utilities, please
request Linux (maybe Ubuntu-only) version of this program. I think
this software can be very good help for beginners in Linux.
With best regards
Valdos Sinus
Sorry for my terrible English. My native language is Russian
Знатоки, внимание, вопрос! Я только что ответил спамеру или действительному представителю разработчиков TuneUp?

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