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Ждать пока svu пофиксит :}

Ответ на: комментарий от name_no

As a basic rule of thumb, leave space between user interface components in increments of 6 pixels, going up as the relationship between related elements becomes more distant. For example, between icon labels and associated graphics within an icon, 6 pixels are adequate. Between labels and associated components, leave 12 horizontal pixels. For vertical spacing between groups of components, 18 pixels is adequate. A general padding of 12 pixels is recommended between the contents of a dialog window and the window borders.

Не прямо, но косвенно сказано

michwill ★★★★★
() автор топика
Ответ на: комментарий от michwill

> Тут советуют исходники править. Мило

в чем проблема? Всего одна строчка, да и та - искомое количество пикселей.

stevejobs ★★★★☆
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