A massive Android malware campaign may be responsible for duping as many as 5 million users into downloading the Android.Counterclan infection from the Google Android Market. The trojan collects the user's personal information, modifies the home page, and displays unwanted advertisements. It is packaged in 13 different applications, some of which have been on the store for at least a month. Several of the malicious apps are still available on the Android Market as of 3 P.M. ET. Symantec has posted the full list of infected applications.
В тред приглашаются сторонники утверждений «ондроед не линукс», «репозитории нас спасут», «всякая малварь к линуксам не липнет», «антивирусы под линукс бессмысленны».
Весь вечер на арене цирка — парализованный клоун^W^W герои утверждающие, что рост популярности линуксам не страшен и вообще он secure by design.