Прикольная статья с примерами генетически-модифицированных существ. Самый разящий пример — флюоресцирующие коты.
Ъ: In 2007, South Korean scientists altered a cat’s DNA to make it glow in the dark and then took that DNA and cloned other cats from it — creating a set of fluffy, fluorescent felines. Here’s how they did it: The researchers took skin cells from Turkish Angora female cats and used a virus to insert genetic instructions for making red fluorescent protein. Then they put the gene-altered nuclei into the eggs for cloning, and the cloned embryos were implanted back into the donor cats — making the cats the surrogate mothers for their own clones.
Завели бы себе такого кота?
Линукс тут, понятно, при том, что за ним будущее. Как и за генной инженерией.