Обратил внимание на дискуссию в списке рассылки Fedora Users: http://www.spinics.net/linux/fedora/fedora-users/msg421496.html.
Пара цитат:
* disable, remove and BURN WITH FIRE pulseaudio at the first sign of any sound playback trouble. It doesn't matter if it caused it. It must be purged and punished as an offering to the gods.
Just look at the feature list on the documentation, or websites, and the idiot admins will target them first. And, if you have a desktop that still has normal menus, look through the system admin items for more ideas.
Disabling SELinux
Disabling firewalls
Removing Pulseaudio
Removing Network Manager
Not configuring their DHCP server, but messing around with all the clients.
Presetting «yes» as a a robot answer before yum installing/updating
Running as root
Buggering up the screen DPI instead of changing font sizes
Setting up auto-login, or logins without a password
Using the same password for everything
Only ever trying out Gnome or KDE
Installing everything, and the neighbour's kitchen sink
I can think of one item you missed from your list:
Disable IPv6 (disabling it cures cancer!)
Ещё из этой дискуссии я узнал про Cargo Cult programming =).