CNNMoney contacted the creators of the 50 highest-funded Kickstarter campaigns with estimated delivery dates of November 2012 or earlier to determine their shipping status. We found that only eight of those 50 projects hit their deadline.
Sixteen of the 50 projects haven't yet shipped. Among the 26 projects that shipped but went out late, the median delay was two months, although some outliers took much longer. The most delayed project in our data set, a home espresso machine being developed by ZPM Espresso, is nine months overdue and doesn't expect to ship until mid-2013.
!Ъ^2: топ-проекты с кикстартера опаздывают на несколько месяцев, а с некоторыми вообще непонятно что.
Куда валить с кикстартера и почему проваливается идея краудфандинга?