openSUSE 11.1 Beta 4 - релиз всё ближе
Какая-то новая фишка с удаленным доступом, не смотрел еще, что за зверь. Поддержки USB нету, зато есть compositing effects:
Inclusion of Nomad, a set of components that provide an unmatchable remote desktop experience to openSUSE. See more at:
обещают fingerprint login:
The most common fingerprint readers on the market should “just work,” and users can register their fingerprint using the YaST module. Once registered, users can log in using their fingerprint. Console, GDM, ’su - $USER’, gnome-screensaver, and gnomsu should all work with fingerprint support. KDE status is unknown.
Включили поддержку веб-камер, выкинутую в предыдущих бетах
Самые злые баги:
Bug #440816: 3.0 cannot be started
GNOME branding is broken with DVD installs, looks correct on live cds
GNOME updater will ask for registration, this is broken. Just ignore the question
KDE updater will not ask for smolt integration (which the GNOME updater should ask for too).
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