На самом деле нет, но я сильно надеюсь на то что Маск убедит китайское правительство коммерциализировать генетические модификации людей и позже создание их на заказ.
World, meet «Lulu and Nana».
The twin girls are, according to a Chinese research team, the very first genetically modified human beings.
The research was first detailed by MIT's Technology Review and linked to Chinese medical documents in the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry led by Jiankui He, a researcher based in Shenzhen's Southern University of Science and Technology.
The documents suggest the research group are currently running trials to alter the gene CCR5, which human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of AIDS, utilizes when infecting humans. To do so, the team have used the immensely powerful molecular scissors known as CRISPR/Cas9 — an emerging technology that can precisely «cut and paste» genes, allowing for sections of DNA to be removed and replaced, almost at will.
By using CRISPR to genetically alter CCR5, the researchers hoped to make the girls immune to HIV throughout their life.