Старая ноутбучная видеокарта Radeon HD6000-серии.
Конфиг месы:
meson setup build mesa-$version \
--prefix=/usr \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--buildtype=plain \
-D llvm=enabled \
-D shared-llvm=enabled \
-D gbm=enabled \
-D gles1=enabled \
-D gles2=enabled \
-D osmesa=true \
-D gallium-xa=enabled \
-D gallium-vdpau=enabled \
-D platforms=x11 \
-D gallium-drivers=svga,swrast,r600 \
-D glx-tls=enabled \
-D glx=dri \
-D gallium-opencl=icd \
-D gallium-nine=true
Run-time dependency libdrm found: YES 2.4.105
WARNING: Ignoring LLVM CMake dependency because dynamic was requested
llvm-config found: YES (/usr/bin/llvm-config) 11.1.0
Run-time dependency LLVM (modules: amdgpu(missing), asmparser, bitreader, bitwriter, core, coverage, engine, executionengine, instcombine, instrumentation, ipo, irreader, linker, lto, mcdisassembler, mcjit, native, objcarcopts, option, profiledata, scalaropts, transformutils, coroutines, frontendopenmp) found: NO (tried cmake and config-tool)
Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency llvm (modules: bitwriter, engine, mcdisassembler, mcjit, core, executionengine, scalaropts, transformutils, instcombine, amdgpu, native, bitreader, ipo, asmparser, linker, coverage, instrumentation, ipo, irreader, lto, option, objcarcopts, profiledata)
mesa-21.0.2/meson.build:1563:2: ERROR: Neither a subproject directory nor a llvm.wrap file was found.
Ругается, что llvm собран без поддержки AMDGPU, но у меня старая видеокарта серии r600 и будет использоваться драйвер radeon.